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I am informed by my training and experience as a Psychotherapist (MHSc), and many years of practicing meditation, mindfulness and different forms of dance and movement.


As a dancer and therapist, I am inspired by the ongoing discovery of movement as medicine. My passion is in holding a creative space for individuals and groups, that welcomes uniqueness, and stimulates a sense of belonging.

Remembering Our Belonging - Reciprocity​

We begin with feeling into our earth-body.
Our body as earth. When we are grounded with the primary source of our connectedness, our roots, the origins of our existence as earthlings, we move through the uncertainties of life with more ease, a  sense of flow and knowing without needing to know what next. We understand ourinterconnectedness with life as the foundation for who we are and what we are here for, a momentary process of moving and listening, and choosing from our embodied authority.
Many (or all of us) have been conditioned out of the natural sense of reciprocity and belonging early in life.

In this therapeutic Open Floor based workshop we get to explore our relationship to the earth and our ecosystem as a foundation to all other relationships we are engaged with in life. As we are gently invited to be with and move deeply into the wisdom of our individual and collective embodied memory, we may discover and shed layers of ancestral, cultural, bodily or emotional trauma that kept us separate from what we yearn for and belong with.
It is in the reminiscing of what once was,
of where i have been,
what I have tried to escape
in order to survive,
in the remembering of what
i once forgot,
to enable me to keep going,
and get to where i am now,
that I discover the stepping stones
to build the HOME I have always desired...
for myself and those who turn up in my life
in need for shelter... Ingrid Nagl
"true belonging depends upon our reciprocity with the environment in which we are embedded, and unto which we are indebted" (Toko-Pa)

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