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​Sybille Biedert is a radiant, dynamic community weaver dedicated to holding space for personal and collective transformation. With over 10 years of experience, she is an accredited Open Floor Movement teacher and the creator of the Embodied Freedom Movement practice. Sybille's workshops and retreats, such as 'Embodied Intimacy' and 'SoulHum', focus on emotional literacy and embodiment, guiding participants towards deeper self-awareness. Her extensive training in Possibility Management allows her to provide a trauma-informed approach, empowering individuals to step out of their comfort zones and rediscover forgotten parts of themselves.


Empower yourself to become available to the dance you long for.

Sybille and Jooske offer you a clear space to practise non verbal embodied communication. Become curious and available in your authentic dance. Explore how the clarity of consent moves in your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, archetypal). Embody your boundaries. Move with the embracing of your discomfort. Lean out of your comfort zone into your aliveness - the unknown dance that only unfolds in connection.


  • Emotional risk and exposure: - 8

  • Physically Active: - 7

  • Physically Restorative:  - 5

Initiate Connection - Sybille Biedert & Jooske Honig

Embodied Feeling -the First Language Straight From the Heart

The original language for all of us is embodied feeling, it is how we communicate as babies. This workshop encourages you to reconnect to this preverbal wisdom. You will practise listening and using the information which comes from your joy, fear, sadness and anger for navigation of each moment. Experience healing through the intimacy of growing emotional literacy within yourself, and as a community.


  • Emotional risk and exposure: - 8

  • Physically Active: - 7

  • Physically Restorative: - 5

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